Get Your Commercial Property Summer-Ready: Essential Landscape Preparation Tips

As the temperatures rise and summer approaches, it's essential to ensure that your commercial property's landscape is ready to withstand the heat and provide a welcoming environment for employees,customers, and visitors. In this article, we'll explore some key tips for preparing your landscape to thrive during the summer months.

Assess and Plan:

Start by assessing the current condition of your landscape.Identify any areas that need attention, such as damaged plants, irrigation issues, or worn-out hardscape features. Develop a plan to address these issues and prioritize tasks based on urgency and budget.

Pruning and trimming for summer preparation

Prune and Trim:

Trimming back overgrown vegetation not only enhances the appearance of your property but also promotes healthy growth. Remove dead or diseased branches, prune shrubs and trees to encourage new growth, and shape hedges for a neat and tidy appearance. Pay special attention to plants near walkways and entrances to maintain clear pathways for pedestrians.


Mulching is a simple yet effective way to conserve soil moisture, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. Apply a layer of mulch around plant beds and tree bases to help retain moisture and reduce water evaporation from the soil. Choose organic mulch materials like wood chips or bark for optimal results.

Checking irrigation systems in preparation for summer

Irrigation System Check:

A properly functioning irrigation system is crucial for maintaining healthy plants during the summer heat. Inspect the system for leaks, clogs, or damaged components. Adjust the watering schedule to account for increased evaporation rates and ensure that plants receive adequate moisture.

Enhance Outdoor Spaces:

Summer is the perfect time to enhance your outdoor spaces and create inviting areas for relaxation and enjoyment. Consider adding seating areas, shade structures, or outdoor amenities like fire pits or water features to encourage employees and visitors to spend time outdoors.

Consider Drought-Tolerant Plants:

Incorporating drought-tolerant plants into your landscape design can help conserve water and reduce maintenance requirements. Choose native or adapted species that are well-suited to your region's climate and soil conditions. These plants typically require less water and are more resilient during periods of drought.

Regular Maintenance:

Consistent maintenance is key to keeping your landscape looking its best throughout the summer. Schedule regular mowing, weeding, and debris cleanup to maintain a tidy appearance. Stay vigilant for pest and disease issues, and address them promptly to prevent widespread damage.

Next Steps:

By following these tips for preparing your commercial property's landscape for the summer season, you can create an attractive and welcoming environment that enhances the overall experience for employees,customers, and visitors. With proper planning and maintenance, your landscape will thrive even in the hottest months of the year.